Seeking To Reveal
Acts 9:1-6 | Romans 5:8
Paul, possibly the greatest missionary to have ever walked the face of the earth, Paul was known far and wide for his zeal and passion. He faced some unbelievable odds throughout his missionary journeys: shipwrecked, bitten by a venomous snake, beaten nearly to death, and imprisoned. Through these many difficult circumstances, Paul never wavered in his commitment to God or his commitment to the churches.
It’s amazing to think that Paul, formally known as Saul, was first a terrorist to the church of Christ. Even after his conversion, His name was feared by many, due to the havoc that he caused. But God sought Saul in his lowly state.
It makes you wonder, who have we written off that God would love to use in His kingdom? Christ is seeking to reveal Himself in a mighty transforming way.