Seeking To Restore

Day 7

II Samuel 12:1-14

David, a man after God’s own heart, fell into deep sin. Instead of going to battle, he stayed home. Instead of leading the people to victory, he let his eyes lead him to defeat. An immoral act, an unplanned pregnancy, a murder, a pretend comfort, a marriage, and a promise of unrest in his family were the results of David sinning against God.

God uses these situations in our lives to restore us. David had sinned, but God sent his prophet to preach an unusual but timely message. David realized it was for him and repented. When David confessed and repented, God restored. God put away the sin that David committed and restored him into the fold. he still had to pay the fare for sin.

Normally, it costs far more than we want to pay and takes us farther than we want to go. Despite what we do and how far we go, God is seeking to restore.


Seeking To Restore


Seeking To Redeem