Noblesville Pilgrim Holiness Church

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Seeking The Rebellious

Genesis 32:27-28 | Proverbs 16:9

Jacob, much like Judas, was rebellious at heart. He had always wanted to do things his way; the birthright, deceiving his father (Gen 27:19), running from his problems (Gen 27:41-45), protecting himself against his brother.

However, when it came to his wrestling match with God, Jacob was confronted with himself. He could no longer hide or run from his problem. Jacob had to own up to who he was, heel-grabber, deceiver, and admit it to God.

When he did this, he no longer ran from his problems, but instead faced them head on. Unlike Judas, Jacob chose to turn to God rather than turn away and was so transformed, God changed his name.

Whoever you are, whatever you’ve become, Christ is seeking. Turn to Him. Be honest with Him.