Suffering Among Us
Isaiah 53 | Hebrews 5:1-10
We cannot begin to comprehend a world without brokenness and suffering. No one can escape receiving physical pain, emotional distress, or spiritual wounds. However, Jesus came from a place so perfect that He knew no pain at all. He left it all to come down to this broken world in which He truly suffered as you and I do. He felt the sting of rejection from His own people (John 1:11-13). He suffered exhaustion and would get alone for rest and time with His Father. His body was beaten, broken and hung on a cross for the salvation of the world. He wept tears of sorrow.
Years before He came to earth, Isaiah described our Suffering Savior. He was wounded and bruised and “with his stripes we are healed.” What a comfort to know that He understands our suffering and is interceding for us!